Kid Kyoto x Monster Kitchen & Bar Collaboration

Event Promotion Artwork

To showcase the collaboration between Canberra’s Monster Kitchen and Bar and Sydney’s Kid Kyoto restaurant, I crafted a captivating artwork that seamlessly blended Kid Kyoto’s distinctive brand aesthetics with Monster’s iconic design elements. This visually arresting piece was conceived to capture the essence of this exclusive, one-night-only event. By fusing well-known illustrations and patterns from Monster’s brand with the edgy, rebellious vibe of Kid Kyoto’s branding, I sought to create a visual narrative that conveyed the event’s unique and dynamic fusion.

The outcome of this creative project was a resounding success, as our promotional efforts led to a complete sellout of the event. 

Assets produced included an eDM, print and digital posters within Ovolo Nishi in Canberra, printed menus, social media assets including Instagram carousels and static story posts. 

Technical: Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.